Klub je osnovan 1914, zaslugom novosadskih studenata. Posle rata, iz Praga je donesen komplet dresova SK Slavije, koji su ostali zaštitni znak Vojvodine do današnjih dana. Godine 1924, zajedno sa klubom Juda Makabi, Vojvodina gradi stadion "Karađorđe", prema nacrtu inženjera i predsednika kluba Dake Popovića. Do tada, i jedni i drugi su igrali na stadionu kod jodne banje, koji je pripadao novosadskom klubu UTK, koji je okupljao mađarsku omladinu. Stadion "Karađorđe" je i današnji stadion kluba, a 2. aprila 2007. vraćeno mu je staro ime "Karađorđe".
The club was founded in 1914, thanks to the students of Novi Sad. After the war, a set of SK Slavia jerseys were brought from Prague, which remain the trademark of Vojvodina to this day. In 1924, together with the Juda Maccabi Club, Vojvodina built the Karadjordje Stadium, according to a draft by engineer and club president Daka Popovic. Until then, both played in the stadium at the iodine spa, which belonged to the Novi Sad club UTK, which brought together Hungarian youth. The Karadjordje stadium is also the current stadium of the club, and on April 2, 2007, the old name of Karadjordje was returned to it.